won-gyu choi

Won-Gyu Choi

Associate Professor


Abiotic stress in plants, including flooding, anoxia, and tropisms


BS, Woosuk University, Korea, 2000
MS, Woosuk University, Korea, 2002
Ph.D. University of Tennessee, 2009


Publications are listed below.

Book Chapter(s)

Calcium, mechanical signaling and tip growth


Coding and Decoding of Calcium Signals in Plants (editor: Sheng Luan; Copyright Holder: Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York; ISBN 78-3-642-20828-7; ISSN 1867-9048)

Won-Gyu Choi, Sarah J. Swanson and Simon Gilroy


Sense and sensibility: the use of fluorescent protein-based genetically encoded biosensors in plants.


Current opinion in plant biology, 46, 32-38

Hilleary, R., Choi, W.-G., Kim, S.-H., Lim, S. D., Gilroy, S.

Quantification of sodium accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES).


Bio-protocol.5, 16, 8/20/2015 e1570

Won-Gyu Choi and Simon Gilroy

Rapid Long-Distance Electrical and Calcium Signaling in Plants,


Annual Rev. Plant Bio. 67, Volume 67

Won-Gyu Choi, Richard Hilleary, Sarah J. Swanson, Su-Hwa Kim, and Simon Gilroy

Plant biologists FRET over stress


Elife, Apr 15; 15;3:e02763

Won-Gyu Choi and Simon Gilroy

Salt stress-induced Ca2+ waves are associated with rapid, long-distance root-to-shoot signaling in plants.


Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Apr 29; 111(17), 6497-502

Won-Gyu Choi, Masatsugu Toyota, Su-Hwa Kim, Richard Hilleary and Simon Gilroy

High-resolution imaging of Ca2+, redox status, ROS and pH using GFP biosensors.


Plant J. 70, 118-28

Won-Gyu Choi, Sarah J. Swanson and Simon Gilroy

Arabidopsis NIP2;1: a nodulin 26-like intrinsic protein transporter of lactic acid induced by flooding stress.


J. Biol. Chem. 282, 24209-24218

Won-Gyu Choi and Daniel M. Roberts