Joe Schwarcz

Chemist, author, radio show host


Dr. Joe Schwarcz is Director of McGill University’s “Office for Science and Society” which has the mission of separating sense from nonsense. He is the recipient of numerous awards for teaching chemistry and for interpreting science for the public. “Dr. Joe” has hosted a radio show on science for forty-three years, has appeared hundreds of times on television, writes a regular newspaper column and is the author of nineteen best-sellers. He has been awarded four honorary doctorates. Professor Schwarcz is also an amateur magician, often spicing up his presentations with a little magic.

Discover Science Lecture | Hey! There are cockroaches in my chocolate ice cream!

No, there aren't cockroaches in your chocolate ice cream (or any other flavor, for that matter), but the way scientific information is conveyed can lead to misunderstandings like this. Critical thinking is important in science, but it's also important in day-to-day life. Joe Schwarcz, the Director of McGill University's Office for Science and Society, is a chemistry professor and host of a radio show that helps separate sense from nonsense. Join us for Dr. Schwarcz's Discover Science lecture and hear his insights about the public's perception of science.