About the Simulation Lab
The University of Nevada Clinical Simulation Lab is jointly operated by the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine and the Orvis School of Nursing. The lab is actually three labs housed in the Pennington Health Science building on the University of Nevada Reno campus. Each of the three labs is separated by a shared control room where we can simultaneously run three simulations at one time with our three SimMan3G patient simulators. In addition to our three SimMan3G patient simulators, we also have Harvey, a cardio-pulmonary sound simulator, SimMom, a birthing simulator and SimBaby, a simulator that emulates a six-month old infant, as well as, a variety of clinical task trainers. To learn more about our simulators, click on the links below.
Our labs utilize state-of-the-art video and audio recording systems so any or our simulation encounters may be recorded and used in debriefing sessions at a later date or can be streamed live to either our multipurpose rooms attached to the labs or to any other classrooms on campus. Each of the three labs is designed to be as realistic representation of a clinical environment as possible.
Polices and procedures
For a copy of our policies and procedures manual, please contact Kelly Farley at dkfarley@unr.edu.
Harvey realistically simulates nearly any cardiac disease at the touch of a button by varying blood pressure, pulses, heart sounds and murmurs.
- Breath sound areas (total 6)
- Cardiac auscultation areas (total 9)
- Cardiac disease (total 30)
- Digitally driven impulses (total 12)
- Modifiable amplitudes and intensities
- Interactive computer link to UMedic®
- Multiple learning environments include:
- Self-learning linked with UMedic
- Instructor in small group sessions
- Lecture settings
SimBaby is the advanced infant patient simulator for team training. With realistic anatomy and clinical functionality, SimBaby allows learners to practice and perfect their skills in a risk-free environment.
Our SimBaby has numerous capabilities. Some of which are listed below:
- Anatomically accurate, realistic airway
- Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation
- Orotracheal, Nasotracheal, fiber optic, right mainstem intubation
- LMA, endotracheal tube, gastric tube insertion
- Sellick maneuver
- Variable lung compliance and airway resistance
- Tongue edema
- Laryngospasm
- Pharyngeal swelling
- Stomach distention
- Spontaneous breathing with variable rate, depth, and regularity
- Bilateral and unilateral chest rise and fall
- Normal and abnormal breath sounds
- Breathing pattern - normal, retraction, see-saw
- Pneumothorax
- Unilateral thoracentesis midclavicular
- Unilateral chest tube insertion midaxillary
- ECG monitoring and library
- Pulse strength variable with BP
- Bilateral pulses - brachial and femoral
- Live defibrillation using ShockLink
- Unilateral IV access antecubital fossa, dorsum of the hand
- Bilateral IV access long saphenous vein
- Bilateral tibial IO insertion
- IV bolus and infusion administration
- Eyes - open, half-open, closed
- Normal, blown and constricted pupils
- Capillary refill - left palm, proximal sternum
- Fontanelle - normal or bulging
- Seizure - head, eyes, and arms
- Sounds - vocal, lung, heart
- Liver palpation
- Cyanosis
- Arm movement and tone
The Clinical Simulation Lab has four state-of-the-art SimMan3G manikins produced by Laerdal. The company has been around quite a while and was the company that brought us the Resusci Annie.
Each of our four SimMan3G units have numerous capabilities. Some of which are listed below:
- Breathing
- Blinking
- Sweating
- Tearing
- Bleeding
- Multiple heart, lung and bowel sounds
- Multiple heart rhythms
- Receiving fluids and nedications
- Reacting to drugs
- Receiving a full shock from a defibrillator
- Speaking and responding to queries
- Producing realistic pulses and blood pressure
- Trismus
- Tongue edema
- Intubation
- Cyanosis
- Dilation of eyes and reaction to light
SimMom is a birthing simulator manikin produced by Laerdal, the same company that produces SimMan3G and SimBaby.
SimMom is capable of simulating both normal and abnormal births, as well as, a variety of pre and post delivery conditions. Some of SimMom's features are listed below:
- Normal delivery
- Breech presentation
- Assisted deliveries
- Shoulder dystocia
- Eclampsia and pre-eclampsia
- Maternal collapse
- Multiple heart rhythms
- Post partum hemorrhage
- Sepsis
- Uterine inversion
- Ruptured uterus
- Simulated spontaneous breathing
- Observable chest rise
- Variable respiratory rates
- Multiple upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing
- Detect mechanical ventilations (including no ventilations)
- Bag Valve Mask capable
- Normal and abnormal breath sounds
- Oxygen saturation and waveform (Optional Patient Monitor)
- Breathing complications - Left and right lungs can be either closed or opened to allow ventilations
- Bilateral chest movement with spontaneous breathing
- Unilateral chest rise with right mainstem intubation
- Unilateral and bilateral breath sounds
- Left and right lungs can be either closed or opened to allow ventilations
- Realistic airway with landmarks
- Oral and nasal intubation
- LMA or ET insertion
- Tongue edema
- NG tube
- Cricoid cartilage
- Head tilt and jaw thrust (no sensor)
- Defibrillation and cardioversion
- Pacing
- Extensive ECG library
- Multiple heart sounds synchronized with ECG
- ECG rhythm monitoring (3 leads)
- 12 lead ECG display (Optional Patient Monitor)
- Compliant with 2015 AHA and ERC Guidelines
- CPR compressions generate palpable carotid pulses, blood pressure waveform, and ECG artifacts
- Detection and logging of a series of compressions in the data log>
- IV access (right arm and hand)
- Intraosseous access (right tibia)
- Blood pressure measured manually by auscultation of Korotkoff sounds
- Bilateral carotid and unilateral brachial and radial (left side) pulses synchronized with ECG
- Pulse strength variable with BP
- Pulse palpation is detected and logged
- Sounds
- Heart
- Lung
- Bowel
- Patient voice
- Interchangeable pupils - Normal, Dilated, and Constricted
- Convulsions
In addition to the high fidelity simulators, The University of Nevada Clinical Simulation Lab also utilizes several trainers specifically designed to assist learners in mastering specific tasks. Below is a list of our current task trainers.
- Airway Management
- CVC Insertion
- Eye Exam, Kyoto
- Eye Exam, Nasco
- Pediatric Otoscope - Nasco
- GlideScope - Video Laryngoscope
- Lumbar Puncture, Kyoto
- Lumbar Puncture, Gaumard
- Magic Ultrasound Heart Phantom and DXBat Auscultation Trainer
- Male Catheter
- Pagewriter Touch 12 Lead ECG (2 units)
- Pediatric Lumbar
- Pelvic Simulator
- Pneumatic Otoscopy
- PROMPT Flex Labor Progress Simulator
- Prostate, Gaumard
- Prostate, Kyoto
- Suture, Arm
- Suture, Leg
- Trauma Man
- Ultrasound - Sonosite Portable
- Ultrasound - GE V-Scan Ultra Portable (5 available)
- Ultrasound - Abdominal Phantom W/O Pathologies (Kyoto Kagaku)
- Ultrasound - Breast Exam Phantom
- Ultrasound - Breast Biopsy Exam
- Ultrasound - Female Pelvic Phantom
- Ultrasound - Fetal Exam Phantom
- Ultrasound - Paracentesis
- Ultrasound - Thoracentesis
- Ultrasound - Vascular Access Trainer
- Lecat's Ventriloscope
- Vital Sim Sounds
If you are a University of Nevada faculty member and would like to schedule a task trainer, send a request to the Simulation Coordinator.