Local knitting and crochet group, Warm Hats for Cool Heads, at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Nevada, Reno donated 1,028 handmade items including hats, scarfs, baby blankets, pet blankets, washcloths and mittens. Members of this group donate their time and expertise to create these one-of-a-kind items to benefit the community.
The interest group started fall of 2019 with close to 30 members and was initiated by Carol Purroy and Leslie Davis who directed it until 2024. Carol had made 140 hats on her own to give away to the homeless and decided the need was too great to do on her own. The group continued to meet virtually during COVID and produced items that were delivered during the pandemic. Currently, the formal members are 17 with some working behind the scenes and donating items they complete on their own.
“I would recommend this group to anyone who enjoys knitting or crocheting or who wants to learn how,” said Gila DeKay, an OLLI member and participant in the knitting and crocheting group. “We have talented members who are happy to share their knowledge. This group is a lighthearted and caring bunch.”
The unique items were given to local organizations throughout the year such as Volunteers of America, the Women and Children’s Center of the Sierra, SPCA of Northern Nevada and the Nevada Humane Society.
“We choose organizations that members of our group suggest,” said DeKay. “We are always open to helping any other organizations who may also be in need.”
Those over 50 who are interested in joining this interest group and becoming an OLLI member can visit the OLLI website for more details. To donate yarn that can become future handcrafted items for the community, please call (775) 784-8053 or email olli@unr.edu.