Annie Albagli, holding a bullhort, next to a table with a large teapot and glasses

Annie Albagli

Visiting Faculty


Annie Albagli's work explores new ways to witness a landscape and its relationship to human and nonhuman worlds by examining the cultural contexts from which they are born and the layers of manipulation that shape them.

Her work has been shown nationally at such venues including the Headlands Center for the Arts, YBCA, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, and the Art Museum of the Americas and internationally, at Art Prospect in St. Petersburg, Russia, Trash Festival in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, and Beita Gallery in Jerusalem. Her videos have been screened as part of the Imagined Biennials Project at the Tate Modern, the Bavarian Film Festival, ZWICKL in Schwandorf, Germany, and Artist Television Access in San Francisco, CA. She has participated in residencies throughout the U.S. and internationally including CSAV at the Fondazione Antonio Ratti in Como, Italy, ArtsLink Back Apartment Residency in St. Petersburg, Russia, Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus in Schwandorf, Germany, and Art East in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. She has contributed to various artists’ land projects such as AZ West, Mildred’s Lane, and Salmon Creek Farm.

Between 2017-18, Albagli was a YBCA Truth Fellow. She is a co-founder and editor of the publication, WHIZ WORLD, and former Co-Director of the Royal Nonesuch Gallery. She is currently an Affiliate Artist in residence at the Headlands Center for the Arts.