Information Systems Department Media Mentions
Arash Barfar
- Where’s the anger on Facebook these days? A lot of it is on far-left sites
- University of Nevada Professor Suggests TV Viewing Data Can Predict Voting Preferences
- How do we fight the war against cyber terrorism?
KD Joshi
- News Release - WSU Press: Self-managed health care technology should consider chronic disease patients’ values
- MoneyInc, November 2017, Filling the STEM Void: Why Veterans are the Answer, by K. D. Joshi (Invited).
- Vancouver Business Journal, May 12th 2017, Research Shows Veterans May Be Answer To Workforce Gap by K. D. Joshi (Invited).
- The Conversation, May 23rd 2017, Breaking Sown Their Own Stereotypes To Give Veterans More Career Opportunities, By Eileen Trauth (Invited).
- Picked-up by : PBS NewsHour
- Picked-up by:
- London School of Economic (LSE) Business Review, April 15th 2016, Crowd Workers’ Voices Must Be Heard, Nancy Deng, K.D. Joshi, Robert Galliers. (Invited).
- Puget Sound Business Journal, February 19 2016, How black men, vets are uniquely qualified for STEM jobs, by K. D. Joshi (Invited).
- Black men have the skills to work in tech, but not the opportunities New study reveals unique challenges facing black men in STEM. NTR-SCTN (associated with the Complex Magazine) Complex Magazine's NTRSCTN, by Evette Dionne.
- News Release – PSU Press, June 9, 2016, How do black men succeed in IT careers?, by Stephanie Koons.
- Daily Evergreen, January 20th 2016, Study Explains IT Racial Gap, by Alisa Smith.
- News Release - WSU Press: Cumulative experiences help black men succeed in IT careers, by Sue McMurray
- News Release (Eureka Alert): How black men can succeed in IT career, Study finds that cumulative experiences develop IT skills
-, Dec 11 2015, Building a Veteran Workforce: How Higher Ed and the IT Field Can Help