Ashley Daftary, Ph.D. is experienced in home-based, out-patient, in-patient, school-based and international social work practice settings. Her research focuses on structural inequities and anti-oppressive practices across systems, including immigration, education, and policy-making. Her teaching interests remain consistent with her research and practice experience. She strives to create an inclusive learning environment as she addresses issues of power, privilege in oppression in both in-person and online classroom settings.
Theoretical, academic and research interests
- Culturally responsive and anti-oppressive social work practice
- Structural inequities across systems
- Impact of white supremacy, racism and discrimination on well-being
- Critical Race Theory (CRT)
- School social work
Courses taught at the University of Nevada, Reno
- 630: Social Work History and Social Work Welfare Policy
- 310/610: Structural Oppression
- 351: Global Social Work
- 451/651: Introduction to School Social Work
- 793: Integrative Capstone in Advanced Generalist Social Work Practice
- 420: Social work practice with individuals
- 624: Social work practice with couples and families
- Daftary, A., Luchuga-Peña, S., Crutchfield, J., & Sugrue E. (2024). School social workers’ responses to racial injustice: A need for anti-racist practice in K-12 schools. Clinical Social Work: Transforming Practice, Education, and Research.
- Daftary, A. (2024). School Social Work History: A Scoping Review. International Journal of School Social Work., 10(1), article 1.
- Daftary, A., Ortega, D., Samimi, C., & Ball, A. (2024). “Did I hear that right?”: A CRT analysis of racial microaggressions in K-12 schools. Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work, 39(2), 285-301.
- Sadun, R.E., Cooper, J.C., Belot, A., Acvin, T., Aggarwal, A., Ainsworth, A., Akinsete, A., Ardoin, S., Beresford, M., Bortey L., Brunner, H.I., Chang, J.,Ciurtin, C., Daftary, A., Eberhard, B. Feldman, C., Hedrich, C. Hersh, A., Hiraki, L.T., Isenberg, D., Kamphuis, S., Knight, A., Lambert, L., Levy, D., Marks, S.D., Maxwell, N., Migowa, A., Moore, K., Ozen, S., Ramsey-Goldman, R., Ravelli, A., Reeve, B.B., Rubinstein, T.B., Saad-Marguiles, C., Sawhney, S., Schanberg, L.E., von Scheven, E., Scott, C., Son, M., Tony, G., Weitzmann, E., Wenderfer, S.E., Woodside, A., Lewandowski, L.B., & Smith, E.M. (2024). Development of CARRA/PReS-Endorsed Consensus Core and Expanded Datasets in Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus for International Registry-Based Research. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
- Sugrue, E., Ball, A., Eugene, D., & Daftary, A.(2023). Family engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities & challenges for school social work. Children & Family Social Work, 28(4), 908-918.
- Daftary, A., & Sugrue, E. (2021). “It’s David versus Goliath”: Anti-Oppressive practice in K-12 education. Equity & Excellence in Education, 1-16.
- Daftary, A (2021). Remotely successful: Telehealth interventions in K-12 schools during a global pandemic. Clinical Social Work Journal.
- Daftary, A., Ortega, D., & Hylton, M. (2021). Protecting white interests: A case example of interest convergence in policymaking. Critical Social Work, 22 (1).
- Daftary, A., Ortega, D., Sanders, C., & Hylton, M. (2021). A CRT analysis of policymaking in Nevada: A case study for social work Education. Journal of Social Work Education.
- Sugrue, E. & Daftary, A. (2021). “I had to call them out on a very tight rope”: Exercising voice as anti-oppressive practice with K-12 education colleagues. Educational Studies.
- Daftary, A., Sugrue, E., Gustman, B., Lechuga-Peña, S. (2021). Pivoting during a pandemic: School social work practice with families during COVID-19. Children & Schools, cdab005.
- Roney, M. & Daftary, A. (2020). Implementation barriers to restorative approaches in K-12 schools: An integrative review. School Social Work Journal, 45 (1), 1-15.
- Daftary, A. (2020). Prioritizing school social workers’ roles and responsibilities to combat oppression in K-12 Schools: Perspectives from educators with anti-oppressive orientations. International Journal of School Social Work, 5 (2)
- Daftary, A., Devereux, P., & Elliott, M. (2020). Discrimination, depression and anxiety among college women in the Trump Era. Journal of Gender Studies, 29 (7), 765-778
- Daftary, A. (2020). Restrictions and barriers confronted by Mexican Americans with unauthorized immigrant family members. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 90 (3), 181-205
- Daftary, A.H. (2019). Living with uncertainty: Perceptions of well-being among Latinx young adults in immigrant family systems. Family Relations, 69 (1), 51-62
- Daftary, A.H. (2018). Critical Race Theory: An effective framework for social work research. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work.
- Daftary, A.H. (2018). Intersectionality and the disparate experiences of Latinos based on the immigrant status of family members. Social Work Research, 42 (3), 187-198.
- Daftary, A.H. (2018) Confronting Immigration Myths with the Reality: A Necessary Perspective for Culturally Grounded Social Work Practice. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 88 (2), 96-114
- Daftary, A.H. (2018) Allies rising: Stepping forward in a time of white nationalism. Reflections: Narratives of professional helping 23(2), 60-69.
- [Daftary] Hanna, A.V. & Ortega, D. (2017). Tempered dreams: The experience of Mexican immigrants living in Colorado. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 32 (3), 359-373
- [Daftary] Hanna, A.V. & Ortega, D.M. (2016). Salir adelante (perseverance): Lessons from the Mexican immigrant experience. Journal of Social Work, 16 (1) 47-65
- Ortega, D.M., [Daftary] Hanna, A.V., & Haffejee, B. (2014). Voices from within the shadows: Interviews with immigration detainees and their families. In L. Mwanri & J. Waldenmaier (Eds.), Complex migration of global citizens (pp. 137- 146). Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press
- Ph.D. in Social Work, University of Denver, 2016
- MSW, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 2004
- BSW, University of Missouri - Columbia, 2002