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Simone Masoch

Postdoctoral Researcher He/him/his


Simone Masoch obtained his Bachelor’s degree Geological Sciences (2016), Master’s degree in Geology and Technical Geology (2018), and Ph.D. in Geosciences (2023) at the University of Padova (Padua, Italy). In the 2018 spring semester, he studied at the ETH Zürich thanks to the Swiss-European Mobility Program. During his Master project, he analyzed the formation mechanism of cockade breccias in extensional brittle faults in Alpine Corsica (France), under the supervision of Prof. Giulio Di Toro. During his Ph.D., under the supervision of Prof. Giulio Di Toro, Prof. José Cembrano and Prof. Giorgio Pennacchioni, he studied the structural evolution and along-strike architectural variability of the exhumed seismogenic Bolfin Fault Zone (pseudotachylyte-bearing segment of the Atacama Fault System, Chile), and processes of fluid-rock interaction occurring at greenschist conditions. From April 2023 to September 2024, he worked as research fellow and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Padova, under the supervision of Dr. Michele Fondriest and Prof. Giorgio Pennacchioni, investigating the Oligocene-Miocene exhumation of Alpine Corsica. In October 2024, he moved to the Nevada Seismological Laboratory in Reno (Nevada) to work as postdoctoral researcher, under the supervision of Prof. Christie Rowe, investigating the 3-D architectural evolution of crustal fault systems in heterogeneous crystalline basements.

Research interests

Simone’s research interests concern the structure and evolution of fault systems in the continental crust, and the deformation mechanisms and fluid-rock interaction processes occurring in fault rocks. His research involves the integration of extensive field and virtual outcrop analyses of exhumed fault systems with microstructural and geochemical characterization of natural fault rocks.


  • Ph.D. in Geosciences, University of Padova – Padua, Italy, 2023
  • M.Sc. in Geology and Technical Geology, University of Padova – Padua, Italy, 2018
  • B.Sc. in Geological Sciences, University of Padova – Padua, Italy, 2016