About the Retired Faculty Association

Although there were several previous attempts to establish a retired faculty organization at UNR, none of them had come to fruition. The current University of Nevada, Reno Retired Faculty Association (RFA) grew out of a discussion with President Marc Johnson, Neal Ferguson, and Roberta Ferguson. The Fergusons established a Study Group that began working on the University of Nevada, Reno Retired Faculty Association in May 2015. Roberta and Neal Ferguson visited the Retirement Center at UC Davis. There they learned about how the UC Davis retirement center was established and also about the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE). The University of Nevada, Reno has joined the AROHE, and information from both UC Davis and AROHE has been instrumental in the University establishing the RFA.

The Study Group, made up of retired faculty representatives from a variety of campus academic and administrative groups, developed mission and vision statements and drafted by laws for the association. The RFA became official in December 2015 when the Study Group and then President Marc Jonson approved the RFA bylaws. Prior to the Launch Event in late March at which about one hundred people attended, John Trent wrote an article for Nevada Today, March 24, 2016, that discussed some of the thinking that went into the development of the RFA.

Vision and mission of the Retired Faculty Association


The skills and experiences of our retired university faculty need not fade away with retirement. The university will continue to use those skills and experiences while providing support to retirees that address the challenges that come with retirement.


  • We encourage and assist retired university faculty to volunteer their skills and experiences in support of the many activities and programs of the university.
  • We develop and offer programs that assist retired university faculty to better understand the challenges and opportunities that come with retirement.
  • We help identify and provide diverse academic and administrative avenues to address and support both aspects of this mission.