Nevada ENDURE students shine after graduating

The program provides a paid stipend to undergraduate researchers

Four students smile in front of a building with their arms around one another.

Nevada ENDURE students (from left to right) Beau Oster, Michelle Ruiz, Maxwell Miyasato and Caleb Ryce.

Nevada ENDURE students shine after graduating

The program provides a paid stipend to undergraduate researchers

Nevada ENDURE students (from left to right) Beau Oster, Michelle Ruiz, Maxwell Miyasato and Caleb Ryce.

Four students smile in front of a building with their arms around one another.

Nevada ENDURE students (from left to right) Beau Oster, Michelle Ruiz, Maxwell Miyasato and Caleb Ryce.

Applications are soon closing for the next cohort of Nevada ENDURE, a two-year program for undergraduate students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in neuroscience or a related field. Nevada ENDURE, which stands for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences, has had two cohorts of two students graduate, two of whom have started their Ph.D. programs.

“The field of neuroscience faces a significant diversity challenge, with fewer students from backgrounds that are underrepresented pursuing advanced education and careers in the discipline,” Dennis Mathew, associate professor of biology, said.

This lack of representation results in a less inclusive pool of researchers, educators and professionals. In response, the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke-funded Nevada ENDURE program was launched in January 2021 by professors Mariann Weierich, Marian Berryhill, and Mathew.

The program is designed to increase diversity in neuroscience by offering paid intensive research training opportunities to undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds, including racial and ethnic minorities, first-generation college students, individuals with disabilities, and those from economically disadvantaged or rural communities. The ultimate goal is to prepare these students for doctoral training in neuroscience, paving the way for a more equitable and inclusive future in the field.

On top of payment for research, students are granted tuition assistance, travel to conferences and partner universities where students do paid research (including Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, or the University of Michigan), opportunities to present research, and preparation for graduate school including application assistance.

“The alumni of this program are truly poster children for Nevada ENDURE,” Berryhill said.

Berryhill and her co-directors witnessed firsthand how impressive the students are.

A man wearing a suit and tie stands in front of a scientific poster.
Caleb Ryce presenting his research done at UC Davis during a poster session.

“One of my favorite memories at the University was getting into the ENDURE program,” ENDURE alumnus Caleb Ryce ’24 (neuroscience) said. “They helped me realize I wanted to pursue a Ph.D.”

Ryce traveled to partner universities the University of Michigan and UC Davis to do research over the summer. He added that the program gave him “a lot of opportunities.”

Ryce is currently applying for clinical Ph.D. programs, and he is one of four accomplished alumni of the program. Beau Oster ‘23 (neuroscience) is a Ph.D. student at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Maxwell Miyasato ‘23 (neuroscience) is a Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan. Michelle Ruiz ‘24 (psychology) is applying to post-baccalaureate programs and plans to apply to graduate school this year.

Berryhill encourages all students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in neuroscience and related fields to apply.

“This program sets students apart in their graduate school applications,” Berryhill said. “Research opportunities are uniquely abundant for undergraduates at the University of Nevada, Reno, and paid research positions can make a big difference for students.”

The first round of applications for the next Nevada ENDURE cohort close on January 24. More information about the application is available online.

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