CREATE Scholar Amelia Bryan

A Q-&-A with one of the scholars from the National Science Foundation-funded “Creating Retention and Engagement for Academically Talented Engineers” program. Amelia Bryan is a member of the second cohort of CREATE program scholars.  

Amelia Bryan, shown from the waist up, standing outside.

Amelia Bryan was "hooked on engineering" after learning about microbial fuel cells in middle school.

CREATE Scholar Amelia Bryan

A Q-&-A with one of the scholars from the National Science Foundation-funded “Creating Retention and Engagement for Academically Talented Engineers” program. Amelia Bryan is a member of the second cohort of CREATE program scholars.  

Amelia Bryan was "hooked on engineering" after learning about microbial fuel cells in middle school.

Amelia Bryan, shown from the waist up, standing outside.

Amelia Bryan was "hooked on engineering" after learning about microbial fuel cells in middle school.

Hometown area: the Rogue Valley in southern Oregon
Chemical engineering, with minors in renewable energy and math (2024)

What got you interested in engineering?

My middle school science teacher let me work on a project where I learned about microbial fuel cells and I haven’t stopped talking about them since. After my project, I was hooked on engineering.

What impact do you hope to have through your engineering career?

It’s always been a dream to help people and the environment and I think engineers have the ability to do both, especially with the improvements of the grid and energy sources. I hope to positively impact people and the environment throughout the work I do as an engineer. 

What does the CREATE program mean to you?

CREATE has given me so many opportunities to further my education. It would be a lot harder for me to go to school if I did not receive scholarships from the program.

In what ways has your peer mentor helped you?

My peer mentor is amazing! I’ve had two mentors so far and both have given me the best advice in college. I work in a lab for Dr. Krishna Pagilla and CREATE gave me a stipend to start working there, but Dr. Pagilla kept me on the project. It has been one of the best experiences of my life. I love everyone in the lab. 

What advice would you give someone looking to follow in your footsteps?

For anyone looking for an amazing experience in engineering, make sure to take any and all opportunities passed your way. Some things you have to fight for, some come to you, but make sure you take both opportunities. You often get jobs based on who you know, not what you know.