University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is offering teens the opportunity to stay on the University of Nevada, Reno campus June 22 - 25, where they will learn about the college experience, various majors and Colleges, research projects and more.
The Discover Your Future Program is open to youth ages 14 to 19, and is a program of University of Nevada Cooperative Extension's 4-H Youth Development Program. For youth who may think post-secondary education is out of their reach, the program shows them that attending college is an attainable goal and helps them map out a path. The program also encourages those already planning to attend college to explore University of Nevada, Reno as a possible choice. Finally, the program exposes the teens to the many areas of study that are available at the University to help them zero in on what their interests may be.
The teens will visit a variety of Colleges on campus, including Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources; Business; Education; Engineering; Science and Liberal Arts; as well as various schools in the Division of Health Sciences. Each college will give a presentation about its current research and the opportunities that a student could expect to have by majoring in that area. Participants will meet professors, university professionals and current students.
Participating youth will get a glimpse of the experience that a modern, dynamic university that ranks in the top tier of best national universities can provide. They will also enjoy some recreational activities, and a tour and visit to the Lombardi Recreation Center. The four-day program includes a chaperoned stay in the University's Canada Hall for all involved.
The registration deadline is June 13, 2014. The $250 registration fee includes lodging for three nights, meals from Sunday night dinner to Wednesday morning breakfast, educational materials, an event t-shirt, and all event and activity expenses. Registration materials and event information are available on the Washoe County 4-H calendar at or on Facebook at For more information, contact Sarah Chvilicek, 4-H youth development programs coordinator, 775-336-0236 or