Creating a Learner-Centered Classroom

Creating a Learner-Centered Classroom

Although lecturing can be an efficient way of delivering information, it's not always the best way for students to learn. Instead, use a learner-centered approach to learning.

Use shorter lectures in your classes. Be sure to include writing exercises, discussion questions, think-pair-share exercises, and other opportunities for students to interact. Key to the success of the learner-centered classroom is establishing rapport with your students and encouraging them to interact.

To develop rapport with students, try these techniques:

  • Greet them before class
  • Recognize your students by using their names
  • Encourage students to visit your office
  • Show interest in students' lives and learning
  • Use humor where appropriate to create informality
  • Suggestions for encouraging student interaction:
  • Have students meet at least a few people in the first class and exchange phone numbers
  • Arrange seats in ways that encourage student interaction
  • Encourage students to form study pairs or study groups

(Source: Angela Provitera McGlynn, Mercer County Community College)

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