'Behind the Water' host shares experience at Film Forum

Documentary host shares stirring true stories in finding clean water

'Behind the Water' host shares experience at Film Forum

Documentary host shares stirring true stories in finding clean water

Guest speaker Fraser Kershaw shared his experience as the film host of the soon-to-be-released documentary, Behind the Water, during a University Film Forum on Jan. 22 in the Wells Fargo Auditorium in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center. Behind the Water explores stirring true stories of individuals who have overcome great obstacles in the effort to find clean water in Latin America.

Kari Barber, assistant professor, electronic media, in the Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism, and herself an award-winning documentary filmmaker, shared the following report:

"Fraser Kershaw visited the University's film forum and the students were energized and left really believing they too can make a difference through their work. Fraser Kershaw won their hearts and minds with his ability to inspire while still remaining very personable and humble.

"He came during the first week of classes and I think it really turned their world upside down.  He showed examples of the documentary "Behind the Water," talked about his own personal reasons for beginning this journey and about how far it has taken him. Most of these students are in their early twenties and I think, thanks to his energy and passion, they could see what their own potential might be.

"I remember one piece of advice that he gave to them that was good, 'When you are working on creative work, throw away your cell phone.' While that's not exactly the answer for everyone, I think it's a great idea for them to think about clearing their minds to allow creativity to happen and clearing their lives so that they can experience and learn.

"At the end, Fraser stayed for half an hour or more to answer every students' questions and to offer hugs."

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