Nate Crummett portrait with William Hammond

Nate Crummett

Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering Faculty mentor: William Hammond


What are your plans after graduating?

I plan to find work in geophysics, geodetics or an earth science field directly after graduation, and work on my graduate school applications in my spare time.

What is the most important piece of advice you’d give to an incoming college freshman?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And not in yourself. Trust Him in everything you do, and it’s going to work out in the end. Also, download your professors’ online notes and PowerPoints for future reference.

Where do you see yourself in fifteen years?

I plan to use spaced-based geophysical techniques to measure solid earth deformation in response to natural hazards like volcanoes, or climate change. I would like to connect the large-scale phenomena I study to dynamic surface processes like river evolution, local weather patterns, and earthquakes.