Alexia Hunter with geography department chair Adam Csank

Alexia Hunter

Department of Geography Faculty mentor: Paul White


What are your plans after graduating?

After I graduate I will be working as a temp for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources at UNR while I work on getting a park ranger position with Washoe County.

What is the most important piece of advice you'd give to an incoming college freshman?

One of the best things that I did in college was to choose classes that I not only had to take for my degree but I chose classes that interested me and I chose some that had nothing to do with my major but instead would help me with a life skill. I noticed that I struggled when homework involved Excel, so I took a class on it. I have never liked public speaking and was never confident giving presentations, so I took a communications class. It is important to like the classes that you take because it helps you want to go to class but it is equally important to take classes that will help you in future classes and with whatever career you choose.

Where do you see yourself in fifteen years?

In fifteen years so many things can happen that are not planned for, we all know this from what Covid-19 did to all of us back in 2020. But if we lived in a perfect world where I got to choose where I will be in fifteen years I would be working as an interpretive park ranger at a National Park. Preferably it would be a park somewhere with mountains. I would live either in the park at a ranger house or a small town just outside of it with easy access to different hikes and a river or a lake. That is the dream goal but I think I would be just as happy working at a small park where I get to be outside every day.