Faculty Senate: Jan. 18 meeting summary

Faculty Senate: Jan. 18 meeting summary

Faculty Senate January 18, 2007 Meeting Summary

Chair's Report:

  • Chair Guy Hoelzer spoke about the code change mandating that the University allow linked grievance of the evaluation and merit, which would require a change in the University bylaws. The bylaw change would not only make the bylaws compliant with the code, but would also benefit faculty. They hope to have this voted on in February.
  • The March Senate meeting date was still to be determined as it falls on the same date as the Board of Regents meeting.
  • The Ombudsman search has progressed and they hope to start interviews at the end of January.
  • The senate has been discussing ways for faculty and alumni to donate to a textbook fund which would help defray the cost of textbooks to students.
  • The chancellor and the regents had a disagreement, in which Chancellor Rogers resigned, but he rescinded his resignation and it appears that they have worked out their differences.
  • Resolution on the development of a University of Nevada Honor Code: The senate approved the resolution recommended by the Academic Standards Committee to endorse an honor code and collaborate with the student government (ASUN and GSA) on the drafting of the document.

Items of Interest, Board of Regents Meeting:

  • Amendments to University of Nevada, Reno Bylaws
  • Disciplinary Proceedings and Expunging of Disciplinary Records
  • Handbook Revision: Maintenance of Board Policies
  • Handbook Revision: Millennium Scholarship Core Curriculum
  • Request Approval to Construct the Great Basin Science Sample and Records Library on the Desert Research Institute Reno, Nevada, Campus
  • Use of Partial Proceeds from Mill and McCarran Land Sale, Lab Renovations, University of Nevada, Reno

The senate discussed the issue of handbook revisions through the board of regents and how they might be able to tighten things up so that the senates get notification of changes. The issue to decide upon was what needed to go to the board, and what could be done at staff level in the system office.

Strategic Planning: There was discussion regarding faculty involvement in the strategic planning process, classroom space, and the use of the accreditation self study as a basis for the strategic plan. There are plans to look at using Getchell Library as classroom space in the future.

Effort Reporting: Cindy Kiel discussed the handouts on cost accounting standards and the federal regulations. The processes are ones that the University should have been following for the past 20 years. Anyone who is charging time to a grant, regardless of A or B and regardless of when you get that money. Feds require that you report by academic term. As long as the faculty member stays within 25% adjustment of effort, it does not need to go back to agency. If you have a large change in effort, agency would be notified.

New Business: A policy regarding one-day consulting allowance for 12-month faculty appears to be a new change to the Administrative Manual, but not one that any of the Faculty Senate was aware of happening. In the past, the consulting day was considered as work time but a change was made to the Handbook that requires faculty take a day of annual leave for that consulting. This could be an opportunity to work with administration to resolve (they were caught as surprised as we were). We have an opportunity with this administration to develop collaborative methods for developing policy to create a framework. The executive board will start a conversation with provost and president and bring the information to the senate.

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